Fine Print

A note from Owner/Trainer Mike Deathe:

We want to make sure you…the client, and me…the Dog Trainer, are a good fit! So please bear with us and take a minute to read ALL the sections, and really think about the commitment you are making in both consistency and frequency.

My goal is to be as transparent as possible so that you are going into the training process knowing exactly what to expect.  (We even changed the text of extra-important things to RED and sections pertaining to complex cases such as Fear, Reactivity, Aggression or Separation Anxiety, etc. are in GREEN.)

There is more about these points later, but they are important enough to mention twice and put them as the first thing you read…


  • We require a non-refundable $100 deposit before scheduling your training sessions on our calendar (the deposit is deducted from the total amount due, and the remaining balance is due at the time of your first session*). Once training has been booked, we do not offer refunds. Dog training is both a commitment in time and money, not only for the owner but also for the trainer as well. If there are any questions, please call 913-269-7595 and discuss them before signing up.
  • Day of Schedule Cancellations have a $60.00 fee; any other rescheduling will have a fee of $40.00. We encourage you to talk to the office if you have extenuating circumstances.
  • If you choose to not pay the fees, you simply forfeit that session, and it will not affect any of your other/future sessions.
  • We want you to know that we value your time, so in the event your trainer needs to reschedule your session for personal reasons, we will add an additional in-home session for free (valued at $101-$145) to make it up to you! Fair is Fair.  

* Please note: We do not carry cash to make change, so cash payments must be for the correct amount, we can also bill you through PayPal or you can pay with card at the first session.


You must have an email address and be comfortable with electronic communication. We require clients to be able to complete online forms as well as retrieve homework with links that we post online.  Please be sure you are comfortable and/or capable of communicating by email and watching video examples of the training we are doing for homework.  If you are incapable of or not comfortable filling out online forms, sending/receiving emails and watching as well as sending videos, then K.I.S.S. Dog training might not be a good fit for you. We require all these things of our clients to check on, adjust, and communicate about the training process and do not have alternative ways of achieving these things with clients if they are unable or uncomfortable with doing things electronically. We frequently communicate with clients via email and through Outlook calendar invites where we send both notes and homework to you after each in-home session via an update to your scheduled session on our Outlook calendar.  This homework and updates will come to you via email – this email will look like an invite to the session, but you MUST read the content of that email and you will find all your homework.  We may also require you to us videos via email to of progress or issues you are having so we can help address them between sessions.

Attending sessions is up to you.

  • Our sessions are 45 minutes, that is the time we have seen that best fits both the dogs and owners from a focus and attention standpoint.

Private In-Home Sessions include driving mileage of 20 miles each way from Shawnee, KS. Any location further than the included 40 miles of travel is an additional $2.00 per mile. So, if you are 25 miles from Shawnee, the extra charge per visit would be $20.00 per visit…$10.00 each way of coverage.  

Behavior History Questionnaire is required for all training sessions (even consults and phone calls.) No exceptions! It helps us plan and know what issues an owner is having, as well as gives us insights into what things have been tried and where we will be heading in training. This questionnaire is due within 48 hours of setting your appointment(s). If we do not receive both the Behavior History form, your appointment(s) will be opened back up on the calendar for other clients and rescheduled once the questionnaire has been received.  

Complex Cases are more expensive than regular training. Complex Cases are described at the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR SPECIFICS OF COMPLEX CASES

A trainer may also deem a dog as aggressive during training.  

  • Consulting with your veterinarian and/or including pharmacological medicines can sometimes be helpful, and in some cases might also be necessary.
  • My first goal in dealing with a Complex Case will be management techniques that safeguard both the dog and the people around them. Then we can proceed with working on other training protocols.


Also, if you choose (which I strongly recommend) communicating between your veterinarian, the trainer and yourself, you will be the one who needs to forward our notes to your veterinarian. If they have questions or comments, they can reach out to us via email at or by calling the office to set up a time to talk with us.

Kids and Dogs:

Simply put, dogs and kids should never be left alone. This is the common denominator to just about all dog/child bite incidents I work with! That being said, if I believe that kids and dogs should not be left alone, then it should go without saying that I also believe kids should not be alone in public with their dogs or have other kids around their dogs without parental supervision.

Let’s face it, if you are getting a dog for the kids, that dog really belongs to you, the parents. The kids are there to be taught by you after I teach you how to manage the dog. I only say this because allowing kids and dogs to be alone unsupervised has led to many dogs having to be euthanized.

Lapses in Training:

We understand that life sometimes gets in the way and that lapses in training can happen.  However, if any lapses exceed 12 months, any remaining sessions will be forfeited with no refund.  To resume training, you will need to go through the sign-up process again and pay for a new package, along with any fees for cancellations and rescheduling.

Weather Policy:

If your dog is at a point in training where sessions are held outside, it may be necessary to make some schedule changes for the safety of your dog as well as both for you and the trainer:

  • If the temp is above 90 degrees (and/or the heat index is unsafe)
  • If the temp is below freezing or dangerous windchill
  • If there is an active storm (snow, ice, rain, thunder, etc.)

Training sessions will be cancelled for the day and rescheduled. There will be no rescheduling fee, but please understand that the timing of the rescheduled date will be based on availability. Please understand, this weather policy is to protect both you and your dog. Dogs can be very stoic regarding pain, and we want to prevent everything from blistered pads, frozen toes, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and the anxiety created by storms and thunder. If you have any questions about this policy, please call us before scheduling your training.

Daylight Savings:

This only happens for half the year, so during those months when it is dark at 6pm, we will only schedule 1st time sessions as they are held inside the home.  All other sessions involve at least some time outdoors and training can be difficult outside in the dark. During these months, sessions #2 and beyond must be scheduled in one of our daytime spots, or we can schedule your sessions further out so that we can work in the evenings after Daylight Savings Time begins in the spring.

Doggy Day Care:

Many shelter dogs have limited histories and behavior cannot always be predicted. Management and caution will be required until you have enough time and experience with the dog to understand his or her body language and personality. The behavior will be different in each and all new situations that you choose to put the dog in.

Many times, we recommend Doggy Day-Cares to help with energy and social skills (for non-aggression cases). Even though you think you know your dog, each situation is different, and you must be prepared to accept responsibility for any damage your dog may cause and conversely accept the possibility of your dog being damaged in an argument with other dogs.

Not all humans get along together, and neither will all dogs. Make sure to interview and tour all the facilities you are interested in and be totally honest with them about your dog, and all their issues.

Private In-Home Training Sessions – Evening Fees: 

  • Our normal sessions are held during daytime hours Monday – Friday (Daily session times are 9:30am, 12:30pm and 3pm. Evening sessions, when available are at 6pm.)
    • There is an additional $40 per session fee for all sessions after 5 pm.
  • Mike’s office hours vary based on his training schedule. If you would like to schedule a phone call to speak to Mike directly, please call the office and we will find a time where he is available.  Please note, phone calls are approx. 5 to 15-minutes in length.  If you need to schedule an in-depth call that will require more time (up to 30-minutes), there will be a fee of $89.

Dog training is about consistency and frequency. Practice daily for short intervals, 20-30 minutes each, a couple of times a day.

  • We schedule 2 weeks between sessions, so our clients have plenty of time to work with and practice with their dogs.
  • We even include videos of our owner/trainer, Mike Deathe, doing the techniques for reference when we are not there.
  • The time you spend working with your dog is what ends up training the dog. It’s about your relationship with the dog, not with us.
  • If you are looking for someone to come out multiple times a week and do the training with your dog, we will not be the best choice. Remember we train owners, not dogs!!!
  • Any books or articles we send you are part of the training process, and you should read and review them to make sure that you completely understand the process.
  • Each person in the family must be on the same page and pulling in the same direction, otherwise, it will slow down or create a negative training process.
  • Your dog’s behavior and well-being are your responsibility, and it is up to you to be an advocate for your dog. Never put them in a situation they cannot handle.
  • Your veterinarian should be part of the training process. Keep him or her in the loop with all aspects of your training. We highly encourage you to forward the notes/homework to your veterinarian.  If they have questions or comments, they can reach out to us via email at or by calling the office to set up a time to talk with us.

If you are not prepared to move forward with new material when the trainer arrives, we will stop the session and reschedule it to another time to meet when you can get caught up.  This is usually caused by the owner not having done the homework. We do not want to waste your time or ours by continuing with new material when the dog is not ready; it is not fair to the dog either!  Stopping the session will result in a day of cancelation/rescheduling fee of $60.

  • The cancellation/rescheduling fees are to pay our staff to call, set up, and do the back-office calendar work to accommodate your rescheduling needs. We also in many cases lose the ability to fill the original calendar slot by moving your appointment to a new slot on the calendar that could be used for another client. Many months of the year we have up to a month’s wait time to get started with clients so being able to handle the homework and appointment times chosen are critical to success.
  • Day of Schedule Cancellations have a $60.00 fee; any other rescheduling will have a fee of $40.00. We encourage you to talk to the office staff if you have extenuating circumstances.
  • If you choose to not pay the fees, you simply forfeit that session, and it will not affect any of your other/future sessions.
  • We want you to know that we value your time, so in the event your trainer needs to reschedule your session for personal reasons, we will add an additional in-home session for free (valued at $101-$145) to make it up to you! Fair is Fair.  

Once training has been booked, we do not offer refunds. Dog training is both a commitment in time and money, not only for the owner but for the trainer as well. If there are any questions, please call 913-269-7595 and discuss them before signing up.

  • We require a $100.00 Non-Refundable Deposit prior to scheduling private in-home sessions.
  • Phone Evaluation Treatment Plan Payments are due in full at the time of scheduling and are Non-Refundable.
  • Your deposit is due at the time of scheduling and your appointments will remain tentative on the calendar for 48-hours until your signature agreement to the Fine Print and FAQs and completed Behavior History Questionnaire are received.
  • Once we schedule your sessions, we will send you a confirmation email that will include a link to our Behavior History Questionnaire for you to complete. This questionnaire is due within 48 hours (about 2 days) of setting your appointment(s). If we do not receive both the Behavior History form & your signature agreement to the Fine Print & FAQs, your appointment(s) will be opened back up on the calendar for other clients and you can reschedule once the questionnaire and your signature agreement have been received.
  • We cannot hold time slots for people; sessions are scheduled on a first come, first-serve basis, and a deposit must be received prior to any sessions being added to the trainer’s calendar.

If cancellations become an issue before you even begin training, we will require prepayment for the package PLUS cancellation fees.


Am I really responsible for communication with the trainer to keep him/her informed of my progress between sessions? And does this really include me sending videos?

YES, yes you are! You are the key to success in this process. It is our job to point you in the right direction, show you how to do the exercises, and send you video examples in many cases to review. If you are having issues, we need to see the issues, instead of waiting for the next session. We want and expect you to send us small:30-second videos of your progress so we can help! If this seems like it might be too much work or something you are not willing to do, please consider this when you are deciding if we are the right fit for you as a trainer.

Is it true that from time to time you will “fire” a client?

Yes, from time to time I find that the owner is not capable or willing to do the work. I do not want to waste your time or mine. I make every effort to let you know my training philosophies and expectations and hope that you will learn about my personality through reading Fine Print & FAQs and watching the videos I have made publicly available on YouTube. However, there are times when personalities just do not mesh, and it is in the dog’s best interest to terminate the sessions so you can move on to another trainer that is a better fit for you. But in most cases, when I do actually “fire” a client, it is because the client is consistently not prepared, doesn’t have the time, or is just simply not doing the homework. I hate to even put this on the website, but as we always strive to be as transparent as possible, I want you to see this here before deciding to hire us to work with you to learn how to train your dog.


Many in our industry offer free estimates or assessments, but in the end, suggest packages that can cost thousands of dollars. We have priced our service to respect our time as well as make training as economical as possible for the client. We urge our clients to shop around, and in the end, we hope you will feel the same way. This also gives you a chance to see if you “jive” with the trainer, along with providing us the opportunity to let you know upfront what we think the training process will involve. Again, this option is so that we can be as transparent as possible and make sure our clients go into training knowing exactly what is going to happen, what will be expected, and how much it will cost. If you have any questions, just call the office at 913-269-7595 and we will be happy to help!

  • Assessments require Non-Refundable pre-payment before scheduling. This payment can be made over the phone at the time of scheduling. Once scheduled, you will receive an email from Adobe for you to sign our Fine Print & FAQs and another email with the Behavior History Questionnaire, both of which must be completed and submitted to us within 48-hours from the time you call us to set up the assessment. This questionnaire will help provide the trainer with a lot of the information they need and save the time of going over these questions during your visit – allowing them to focus on discussing more of the details when they are there. If we do not receive both the Behavior History form & your signature agreement to the Fine Print & FAQs, your appointment will be opened back up on the calendar for other clients and you can reschedule once these have been received.  

No prong or choke collars.


No retractable leashes.

We require documentation of up-to-date vaccinations. (Mike will just need to look at them to verify the dog is up to date at your first session, as your future sessions could include Mike bringing one of his own dogs to work on distractions.)

Any photos taken during training may be used in promotional efforts by KISS Dog Training.


Click Here For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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