Need Help With Getting Your Dog to Come When Called?
July 6, 2015
dog training, dog training books, General, keep it simple stupid dog training, kiss dog training, mike deathe
Here is an excerpt from the Book….
Okay, please don’t misunderstand me. I am not trying to insult you with the title of this book. Rather, I want to get your attention. The goal of teaching you how to get you pooch to come back to you when you call them is secondary. My primary goal is to get you to think about dog training in a different way! In many ways, I train dogs the way most of us want to teach children. That being said, I for some reason have way more patience with my dogs than my own kids – just ask my sons and they will confirm. I think it has something to do with the fact my sons talk back and my dogs don’t but that is just one man’s opinion . . . With this book, I hope to give you a new way to look at your dog, as well as a very successful set of techniques that will have your dog coming when called on a regular and consistent basis. Mike Deathe CPDT-KA
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