THE DOG OWNER’S BOOK OF POOP AND PEE!! – KISS Dog Training in Kansas City
A Dog Trainer in Kansas City worked hard and long on this book. Take a look and pass the info on to someone who needs it. Here is an excerpt: Is Fido peeing and pooping in all the wrong spots? Are you pulling your hair…
Dog Trainer in Kansas City Shares Awesome Blog on What Might be Wrong in Dog Training Today
Many of my friends know that Ian Dunbar was my first mentor (someone that I emulated) when I started my dog training journey in Kansas City. This blog post brings up lots of good ideas and issues with Dog Training today. Take a…
Another way to look at Separation Anxiety in Dogs but through a Humans Perspective
A Dog Trainer in Kansas City shares a great Article by one of his favorite dog trainers and Separation Anxiety expert… She recounts a recent experience that sheds some light on what can happen to a dog and create the kind of association that brings…
Another great Article on Separation Anxiety
OK this is the person that is the expert. I have read her books, read her blogs and while her answers are not always what you want to hear they will be the best way to help your dog over both the short and long…
6 Reasons Why Dog Training in Shawnee is Important
Dog training is an important part of responsible pet management, and if you live in Shawnee, Kansas, investing in expert dog training services may make a big difference in your and your dog’s lives. At K.I.S.S. Dog Training, we are proud to be leaders when…
Experts on Dog Training in Shawnee Discuss 9 Things Consider Before Getting a Puppy for the Holidays
Experts of Dog Training in Shawnee Discuss 9 Things Consider Before Getting a Puppy for the Holidays – Experts of dog training in Shawnee understand the idea of surprising a loved one with a fluffy, four-legged Christmas gift can be enchanting, but bringing a puppy…
A Dog Trainer from Kansas City shares an article on READING to your dog for stress????
A Dog Trainer from Shawnee, Ks shares a great article, on a new way to look at the old problem of anxiety. This Dog Trainer from Kansas City has always recommended leaving a TV or radio on to sooth a anxious dog but never considered…
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training proudly serves the Kansas City Metro, Overland Park and Surrounding Areas. 40 miles, 20 miles each way from Shawnee, KS is included for In-Home Sessions... Over that mileage is an additional charge of $1.00 per mile... Call with Questions
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training
Shawnee, Kansas
(913) 269-7595