Does Your Dog Burp in Your Face? It’s Actually a Good Thing if He Does! | Dogster
Great Article on Bloat… Covers the most if not all of your questions about this super serious condition… Coming from someone who has lost a dog to bloat I would definitely recomend this artilce and I honestly had no idea about the burping connection …. Thoughts?
PS one solution not mentioned in the article is a slow down bowl… So Included a link to one of my favorites at the bottom…
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training proudly serves the Kansas City Metro, Overland Park and Surrounding Areas. 40 miles, 20 miles each way from Shawnee, KS is included for In-Home Sessions... Over that mileage is an additional charge of $1.00 per mile... Call with Questions
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Shawnee, Kansas
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