A Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City Explains 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Give a Puppy as a Valentine’s Day Gift – Puppies are the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, right? They’re cute, sweet, soft, cuddly, and love to give kisses, making the ultimate gift to give your partner this holiday. As nice as the idea of a Valentine’s Day puppy sounds, a dog behavior specialist in Kansas City suggests rethinking your plan before buying someone a new pet.

At K.I.S.S. Dog Training, we are proud to be a leader of dog training in Kansas City; we believe that dogs are only as good as their owners; that’s why we stick to our motto, “keep it simple, stupid!” We understand that you want to provide your dog with the best life possible; that’s why we also offer books to help boost and enrich training sessions with your pup.

Puppies might be cute and cuddly, but it’s better to stick with chocolates and flowers this Valentine’s Day. Take the advice of a leading dog trainer in Kansas City and remember these 4 reasons that you shouldn’t get a puppy as a gift for your loved one this holiday.


1. A Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City Explains Puppies are a Big Responsibility

According to a leading Kansas City dog trainer, puppies are a big commitment that requires a lot of responsibility that your partner might not be ready for. It’s not fair to make that decision for someone else, no matter if they always talk about how much they want a puppy.

Dog Behavior Specialist In Kansas City

2. A Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City Explains the Risk in Becoming Shelter Dogs

It’s sad, but it’s true. According to a leading dog behavior specialist in Kansas City, pets that are bought as a gift are more likely to end up in a shelter. This is especially a problem if your partner didn’t pick out the pet themselves. It’s important to remember that this decision involves both your partner and the animal, so it’s important to make sure both are consulted and compatible. This means that it’s probably best to let your partner pick out their own pet.


3. A Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City Explains Cost Concerns

Kansas City dog training experts understand how expensive puppies can be. Taking care of a dog is an expensive commitment; owners have to pay for food, vet bills, toys, leashes, collars, dog bowls, and countless other items. This can be financially taxing for some people, especially if they’re already living on a tight budget.

According to a dog behavior specialist in Kansas City, giving your partner a puppy when they can’t afford it is unfair and can leave them feeling guilty. While you might think you’re doing something nice for them, you are actually pushing them into a situation that they aren’t ready for and can’t afford.

Dog Behavior Specialist In Kansas City

4. A Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City Explains the Concept of Disposable Attitudes

One of the biggest misconceptions about dogs is that they’re the perfect gifts, but that’s not true. According to in home dog training in Kansas City leaders, giving a dog as a gift can send the message that pets are disposable and that your partner can get rid of them whenever they need. This isn’t fair to the puppy and can leave them feeling scared and confused.

A leading dog behavior specialist in Kansas City believes it’s important to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page before getting a puppy. You should never give a puppy to your significant other as a gift, and you should make sure that you guys are ready for the responsibility of raising a dog.

Dog Behavior Specialist In Kansas City

Call a Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City Today

K.I.S.S. Dog Training has been a leader of dog training in Kansas City for over ten years. We take pride in strengthening the relationships between owners and their dogs. We believe it’s essential for humans to understand what their dog needs and the best ways to help them get it.

Contact us online or give us a call at 913-269-7595 to partner with a trainer. We are located in Shawnee and service Overland Park, Olathe, and the Kansas City metro area.

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