dog at window Kiss Dog Training

OK this is the person that is the expert. I have read her books, read her blogs and while her answers are not always what you want to hear they will be the best way to help your dog over both the short and long term. This blog covers some idea on how to even get the process started with not leaving your dog alone at the start of the process (which can be so hard) But she has some great tips!!!


Here is a link to the blog check it out

At K.I.S.S. Dog Training, we are proud to be a leader in dog training in Shawnee, KS… We believe that dogs are only as good as their owners; that’s why we stick to our motto, “Keep it simple, stupid!” We understand that you want to provide your dog with the best life possible; that’s why we also offer books to help boost and enrich training sessions with your pup.

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