When Does Dog Play Escalate Into A Dog Fight?
Hey there folks here is my latest article for the website Petcha! Please take a look and give it a like and even a comment if you feel it deserves it! The more comments and the more discussion the better the jog I have…
RE Post Thursday… Horrors of Inbreeding….
This is a very interesting and important article for folks to read. There is real science that is being described, but we can not paint the breeding of animals with a wide paint brush. Those out there that are pure bred enthusiast should read and…
Repost Thursday…Business Communication Dog Training and Buddha From July 2013….
OK, so in business today we are taught all sorts of ways to communicate… You can do this in social media but not in person. You can raise your voice in conversation but don’t ever use all caps in an email. It really seems like…
Throw Back Thursday… 10/17/12 Questions About Aggression…
Original Post Date 10/17/12 And I still agree and still welcome comments… OK, so I get phone calls from time to time asking me how to deal with aggression issues… Everything from a child being bit to chasing a bicycle or the mail person!…
Group Classes vs. Private Sessions (Dog Training)
OK, so my dog training business offers both group and private instruction… and some of my clients are confused on which is best for them and their dog… Well I am not only going to tell you about the differences but also things to consider…
The Best Dog Game Ever….
Let me ask you a few questions… 1. Would you like a command to use when your dog is completely bonkers? 2. If you did not know what black looked like would you understand the color white? 3. How on earth can…
A Dog Trainer from Kansas City shares an article on READING to your dog for stress????
A Dog Trainer from Shawnee, Ks shares a great article, on a new way to look at the old problem of anxiety. This Dog Trainer from Kansas City has always recommended leaving a TV or radio on to sooth a anxious dog but never considered…
Home remedies for fleas…
At Kiss Dog Training we strive to bring you dog training content that is not only interesting but thought provoking. Interesting article I have heard of some of these ideas Especially the idea of soapy water near a light to track progress… How bout…
Body Language Tip and Tricks
Great website, even better articles you should sign up for feeds or emails… Your Dog Watches You and Interprets Your Behavior At K.I.S.S. Dog Training, we are proud to be a leader in dog training in Shawnee, KS… We believe that dogs are only…
How to keep your Pooch Safe on Halloween:
OK the ghouls and goblins are going to be out, there will be strange smells, weird sights and even stranger noises on Oct.31stand let me be the first to tell you… This will not be an easy night on your dog! I have said it…
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training proudly serves the Kansas City Metro, Overland Park and Surrounding Areas. 40 miles, 20 miles each way from Shawnee, KS is included for In-Home Sessions... Over that mileage is an additional charge of $1.00 per mile... Call with Questions
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training
Shawnee, Kansas
(913) 269-7595