Problem Behaviors In Dogs Are Like a Hydraulic System
Originally Posted 12/2010… Every hydraulic system has a set pressure it can withstand. Go over that allowed pressure (or exceed “critical mass,” and…well BOOM)! You can look at Fido’s behavior the same way…each behavior has its own tank; barking, digging, jumping, play biting and yes…
The Barking Dog and Command “Enough”
Are you tired of having your dog bark for 15 minutes every time the door bell rings, or for any of the infinite number of other reasons dogs bark? Well so was I, and like any good dog trainer I took a step back and…
Why do dogs bark & what can be done about it? Part 2
So, now we have arrived at the other big reason dogs bark…exercise (or lack thereof). Let’s be honest, most of us do not give our dogs enough exercise, let alone mental stimulation (boredom anyone?) If you are not walking your dog at least an hour…
Why do dogs bark & what can be done about it? Part 1
Excessive barking or nuisance barking is one of the most frequent issues I encounter as a trainer. The “why do dogs bark” question is easy (as you will see), but the “what can be done about it” is a lot more difficult. Dogs bark for…
My dog barks…What can I do? Park it Part 2…Wireless Door bell (thank you mister Pavlov) using Park it along with the door bell.
Now that you have park it down and it is working during dinner and when new people enter the house, you are ready for the graduate school level of park it! Let me ask you a question, would you be interested in having your doorbell…
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training proudly serves the Kansas City Metro, Overland Park and Surrounding Areas. 40 miles, 20 miles each way from Shawnee, KS is included for In-Home Sessions... Over that mileage is an additional charge of $1.00 per mile... Call with Questions
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K.I.S.S. Dog Training
Shawnee, Kansas
(913) 269-7595