Experts on Kansas City Dog Training Discuss Getting Your Family a Puppy for Christmas – Is getting your family a puppy for Christmas the best idea? According to experts of Kansas City dog training, you should make sure everyone in your home is prepared for and on board with the idea of a dog before adding one to your family. Puppies are always a fun gift to receive at Christmas, but they’re not just the newest toy that you can play with for a week and then get bored with it. You should be prepared for all the responsibilities that come with a new puppy.

At K.I.S.S. Dog Training, we are proud to be a leader for dog training in Kansas City; we believe that dogs are only as good as their owners; that’s why we stick to our motto, “keep it simple, stupid!” We understand that purchasing a puppy for Christmas is a big undertaking, so it’s important to make sure that you and your family are prepared.

There are several things to keep in mind before adding a puppy to your family:

  • Be ready for a routine change

  • Make sure your family is ready for a pet

  • Can your family afford a dog?

There are also several other factors that should be considered before you add a new furry friend to the mix, like making sure that you’re ready to train and care for your new pet.

Kansas City Dog Training

Be Ready for A Routine Change

According to a professional dog trainer in Kansas City, adopting a dog for Christmas can drastically change your and your family’s routine. This is one of the biggest changes families notice after adopting a new pet. You should be ready to walk your dog at least twice a day, take them outside regularly, and set aside time to play with your dogs.

Make Sure Your Family Is Ready For A Pet

According to a trusted Kansas City dog trainer, it’s important to make sure that everyone in your family is ready for a pet. As we keep saying, owning a dog is a lot of responsibility, and not every family is suited to take in a new pet. According to K.I.S.S. Dog Training, it’s important to choose a pet that compliments your lifestyle.

Research which breeds of dog works best for you and your family. If you have an active family, you’ll want to adopt a dog with a lot of energy. Families who are always out of the house will probably want to adopt a laid-back dog who’s okay with being left alone for most of the day.

Kansas City Dog Training

Can Your Family Afford a Dog?

An expert of in home dog training in Kansas City wants people to know that owning a dog is expensive. The expenses don’t stop after the adoption fee. You need to make sure you and your family can afford food, toys, vet bills, and any other expenses that can occur.

One thing that can help with the financial aspect of adding a new friend to your family is a gift certificate to put toward your new puppy. This a great gift to ask for so you can pay for food, vet bills, a dog trainer, etc.


A dog behavior specialist in Kansas City wants you to make sure that your family is ready for a dog before you purchase one for your family. Dogs are not just toys that you can discard after you get bored. Make sure that you take the time to plan for the new responsibility and financial constraints of a new pet. You can also pick up our training books to help care for your new puppy!


Kansas City Dog Training

Hire A Kansas City Dog Training Expert Today!

K.I.S.S. Dog Training has been a leader in dog training in Kansas City for over ten years. We take pride in strengthening the relationships between owners and their dogs. We believe it’s essential for humans to understand what their dog needs and the best ways to help them get it.


Contact us online or give us a call at 913-269-7595 to partner with a trainer. We are located in Shawnee and service Overland Park, Olathe, and the Kansas City metro area.

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